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Lessons From Strangers

Lessons from Strangers is a creative outlet of Letters to Strangers, focused on amplifying the artistic expression and lived experience of people around the world at the intersections of mental wellbeing and some of society's most-pressing issues. Explore our seasonal zines and podcast episodes below!

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Colorful Envelopes


We abide by the following values when selecting which content gets published.

They are colorful red, blue, purple, and yellow ovals intersecting to show the intersectionality between different issues.


We understand and recognize how different social and political contexts result in the systematic discrimination and exclusion of certain communities. We believe in the power of these voices of refusal, rejection and resistance. 

It has a poster saying "the future is female" emphasizing feminisim and empowering women.


We believe that it is of utmost importance to keep challenging the patriarchy and the innumerable ways it has infiltrated everything, from our societies to our psyches. 

It is a held fist symbolizing solidarity and union of the people.


We wish to highlight the persistence of coloniality in the spaces we inhabit and keep proposing the different way we may take in dismantling it.

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